Lab Equipment and Facilities

Shimadzu UFLC GPC

Used for analytical and preparative recycling GPC.

Hitachi/VWR LaChrom ELITE HPLC

Equipped with a L-2130 quaternary pump, L-2455 diode array detector, L-2200 autosampler, L-2350 column oven and Foxy Jr. fraction collector, allowing analytical, semi-prep and preparative HPLC/GPC to be carried out.

We have a range of columns; normal and reverse phase, and more specialised columns which allows to separate everything from small organic molecules, our large macrocycles, to water-soluble peptides.

Agilent 1100 Series Chemstation HPLC

With a DAD, autosampler, and fraction collector.

Perkin Elmer Lambda 25 UV-Vis Spectrometer

Allows scanning between 250-1100 nm. The accompanying Peltier element allows to acquire UV-Vis spectra at a range of temperatures.

Perkin Elmer Lambda 20 UV-Vis Spectrometer

Allows scanning between 250-1100 nm. The accompanying Peltier element allows to acquire UV-Vis spectra at a range of temperatures.

FS5 Spectrofluorometer - Edinburgh Instruments

Allows both emission and excitation spectra of our samples to be recorded. Spectral range up to 1650 nm and fluorescence lifetimes down to 400 ps.

Autolab Electrochemistry Kit

A range of modes are available including cyclic voltammetry and square wave, to allow probing of the electronic properties of our compounds.

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